How to Pay for Therapy: Using Your Out-of-Network Insurance Benefits
Paying for therapy with out-of-network insurance benefits is confusing. Let’s walk you through it.

When Therapy Isn’t an Option: 8 Alternative Ways to Heal
Let’s hold the term “alternative” loosely, as there really is no exact surrogate for meeting with a well-trained, inclusive mental healthcare provider. Nonetheless, there are plenty of reasons why we might need other kinds of emotional support. While I deeply believe in the power of connected, affirming, trauma-informed counseling (Obvio! That’s why I’m a therapist!) - I’m the first to say that therapy is not the end all be all. There are plenty of reasons why therapy might not be accessible or desired by you at any given moment.

How to Find a Queer Therapist (And Why It Matters)
Finding a good-fit therapist is f*in hard. Finding one that also happens to be queer can be even more difficult and disheartening. I can relate. Finding a therapist that understands your identities, and the trauma you might have faced, can make the delicate process of therapy more easeful. Here are my top ten helpful hints for finding an LGBTQ+ identified therapist.